Monday, January 21, 2008

Apple Bomb

I got a nice bite taken out of my ass by Apple today. I went and bought myself one of those snazzy new iPods with video. Yes, I guess I'm a bit behind the times, but mine still is black and white and doesn't include album covers. Excuuuuuuuse me, I didn't know that I had an electronic device from the stone age. In any event, I brought it home, hoping to put my music on it, as well as my directing work (see buttons on the right!). Well little did I know that Apple had a nice surprise waiting for me.

Yep, you guessed it, my Apple iPod is not compatible with my Apple computer. I guess 3 years old makes my computer too old to wipe it's own ass and tie it's own shoes, because as a nice operator told me, I need to get a new operating system if I want to use my iPod. Yeah, I have to spend an ADDITIONAL $150 on top of the $350 I spent on the iPod just to make it work.

I don't even know what to say. My friend Andrew thinks this warrants a Justin Long commercial. Andrew thinks he is pretty funny, but he has an iPhone.

So I can return it tomorrow, and I will. And they will only charge me 10% because I opened the box. Thanks Steve Jobs. Asshole.

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