Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Out for Madness, will be back in 4 days

Friends, neighbors, fellow sporting event enthusiasts, this Thursday begins my favorite time of the year. No, they are not giving away free pizza anywhere, it's the start of MARCH MADDNESS!!!!!!

Oh man, I am so excited. Cinderellas, brackets, beer, 12 hours of consecutive television watching, upsets, watching Roy Williams and Mike Krlaiuyshdf;jkj;flkdjf;s lose in early rounds....I cannot freakin wait. That photo up there is from the most exciting game of March Maddness I have ever seen, as Deron Williams finished off a 20 point comeback against Arizona in the Elite 8. If there is a moment half that exciting in this year's tournament, then I will be a happy camper. If not, then I will have wasted 4 days of my life, consumed countless calories in beer form, and eaten way too many pizza slices.

Yes, friends, sometimes being a (unemployed) free lance worker has it's perks.

The RB will return at the conclusion of this weekend's maddness. MADNESS!!!

Also, it is St. Patrick's day, so I will be celebrating my Irish heretige with my similarly Irish friends all weekend. I think I like March more than my own birthday.

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